Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Strange Pleasures

Around 3:30 this morning, the motion detector, aka Chuck, alerted me that Tango was restive and probably needed to go out. So, out we went, Tango and I.

I turned on the spotlight on the deck, but even so I cannot see anything once I get into the side yard, which borders the designated dog 'spot.'

So, I'm standing out there in the dark, trying to see a small white bundle, and listening to and feeling the wind. The wind at night is more mysterious than the wind during the day, when you can see the leaves moving. At night, it's even more like music.

I stood there for a bit, enjoying the cool wind, the fresh air, the darkness, and then we went back indoors, upstairs, to sleep, each in his (or her) own bed.

1 comment:

John said...

Marvelous moment! Thanks for not keeping it to yourself!

Found your blog. You can count on another visitor from time to time. You said something about being a moral relativist in your comment at my place. I'm intrigued...care to talk further on this one. I assure you I'll not get into a shouting match with you :-)!
