Thursday, December 6, 2007


Tango is growing like a weed, or like sweet corn in high summer. As of Sunday, he weighed just under 24 pounds.

Today I noticed that he has reached a new stage in life: he is now big enough that Anya can lock arms with him in dog chest-to-chest wrestling. She puts her front paws on his back, and he returns the embrace, while they writhe and jump around, trying to bite each other on the neck.

Yesterday I found Tango lurking in the snow-free space under the bump-out in the kitchen. He likes dens, caves. He has, alas, discovered the huge (for a puppy) cave between the desks, the printers and the wall in the library. A maze of wires and controllers. NOT a puppy place!

Life with puppy is proceeding nicely! He is lovely and Anya is training him well!

1 comment:

Carol Douglas said...

More pictures of that puppy, you slacker!!!